In our Obscure Picks feature today, we look to Plastic Fish, and their eponymous album. Described as “Forbidden Planet meets Martin Denny via Pet sounds”, and as “psychedelia for kids” by the band themselves, the album made little impact.
Released at the end of 2021, the album’s theme appears to be centred around plastic waste on beaches. Reading between the lines, or song titles, it suggests that aliens or, Martians, come down to save our planet, and rid our beaches of plastic.
Comprised of 16 generally uplifting tracks, with a nice balance of acoustic and electric instruments, with lashings of UFO effects: ring modulation and near-infinite delays, we’ve been happily working away in the office today listing to this. I must take it home and play it to the kids….
It really is otherworldly, celestial, devoid of any ‘darkness’, which is a theme thats hard to get away from these days, I find.
It’s stuff like this that is the reason out ‘Obscure Picks’ feature exists: How can music like this, which was clearly a lot of work and passion for those involved, disappear into obscurity?!
As for those involved, we have no idea who they are, where they come from, or where they are now. It was only ever released on Bandcamp, and googling them comes up blank.
Enjoy Plastic Fish on Bandcamp, before it disappears forever.
If you know of an obscure album that deserves some attention, drop up a line.