Today sees the release of a new Buried Heads song, Easy Listening. As the title suggests, the track is influenced by the easy listening genre, with hints of 60’s pop and psychedelia. A slow to mid tempo beat and jangly acoustic guitar sets a feel-good summer instrumental tone, while a fuzz-jazz guitar meanders to the […]
Buried Heads, Live [Video]
(the) Buried Heads give us a brief performance from their London bedroom HQ. But this time, ditching the guitars, in full rave DAW-less (sans Digital Audio Workstation or, without computer, to the layman) jam mode. The Heads say this mode is something they’re working lots on at the moment, with a view to take it […]
“Oulou” by (the) Buried Heads [Release]
Out last week, on the 6th March, “Oulou”, by the Buried Heads is a bass-heavy short instrumental that ends in a psychedelic abyss. Sounds good on paper, right? But is it actually any good? Was it worth it? Is there a a need in the world for this type of thing? Does it have anything […]
“Schizo” by The Buried Heads [Video] [Free Download]
The Buried Heads used to listen to a lot of ‘rave’ music in the 90’s. 2000’s. But for most of their adult life they’d stuck to song writing, ‘proper music’. Using these bits of kit is a great release for them, they say, a totally different way of working.
‘Seascape Phantoms’ by Buried Heads [Release]
About a year ago The Buried Heads were asked to produce music for a podcast, about a pioneering deep sea archaeologist. They took on the challenge, accepting that, if it wasn’t used, no worries, they’d still like to have a go. So in the course of a week they came up with 4 or 5 […]
Dream of you – Buried Heads
A synthetic pop song whereby an auto-tuned voice sings innocently, pleading to be overheard by the subject. It is a desire impossible to realise, stirring reminiscences of teenage excitement and nervous anxiety, now gone forever. Listen on BandCamp Dream of you by Buried Heads